作为一个基督徒, 天主教, 和本笃会团体, the University of Mary is wholly committed to upholding 和 defending the dignity of every human person as created in the image 和 likeness of God. Those who experience unfair treatment or unjust discrimination within the community of the University of Mary are especially worthy of the University’s care 和 concern.
根据它的使命, MG冰球突破试玩还支持和执行民法的适用要求.
Policies 和 procedures are in place whereby those claiming wrongdoing can bring information forward 和 those accused of wrongdoing are able to respond.
- 第九条(涉及性别歧视和性骚扰的情况), 包括性暴力),
- 行为申诉委员会(负责审议其他严重的申诉);
- 大学学生公平待遇政策及程序
- 大学员工公平待遇政策及程序
- 天主教社会训导 & 种族歧视
- 无障碍服务- ADA
- 关于人的尊严的政策纲要
- 提交不当行为报告表格
1972年教育修正案第九条(20 U.S.C. § 1681) prohibits sex discrimination of students 和 employees of educational institutions that receive federal financial assistance. 符合第九条, MG冰球突破试玩在所有课程中禁止性别歧视, 活动, 和就业.
“在美国,任何人不得, 以性别为基础, 被排除在…之外, 被剥夺…的利益, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance." 20 U.S.C. § 1681
MG冰球突破试玩已经满了 第九条性别不歧视政策、申诉程序和程序
第九条适用于联邦政府资助的教育项目的各个方面. 第九条涵盖的领域包括接受高等教育的机会, 招生, 体育运动, 职业生涯教育, 对怀孕和育儿学生的教育, 就业, 学习环境, 数学和科学, 性骚扰, 标准化考试, 和技术.
关于第九条和体育的更多信息可以在 NCAA标题IX资源页.
第九条既保护妇女的权利,也保护男子的权利. 第九条要求男女在所有教育领域得到公平和平等的待遇.
第九条保护举报不当行为的人免受报复. 的 reporting of discrimination is important to 第九条 enforcement 和 would be discouraged if retaliation against those who report it went unaddressed.
MG冰球突破试玩根据教育法第九章维护了一个针对不当行为的在线报告系统. 以下表格可用于提交大学政策禁止的不当行为报告.
美国教育部民权办公室(OCR)负责 高等教育全面执行第九条. 信息.
民权办公室| U.S. 教育部(芝加哥办事处)
500 W. 麦迪逊圣.1475套房 芝加哥,伊利诺伊州60661-7204
电话: 312-730-1560
的 purpose of the 行为申诉委员会 is to oversee the investigation 和 resolution of all formal complaints alleging misconduct as identified in any of the following University of Mary policies, 详情请参阅下文“大学关于人的尊严的政策”:
- 歧视及骚扰政策
- 被欺侮的政策
- 报复的政策
- 不当性行为政策(可能不属于第九条的不当性行为)
的 University of Mary maintains an online reporting system for misconduct under the jurisdiction of the 行为申诉委员会. 请参阅下面的“提交不当行为报告的在线表格”.
完整的说明了过程和程序 行为申诉委员会.
Any student of the University of Mary who believes that he or she has been unjustly treated is encouraged to seek resolution of the issue through policies 和 procedures established by the University for that purpose. 请参阅以下关于人的尊严的大学政策纲要. 的 学生手册 也有一个有用的部分对学生申诉和上诉.
所有其他投诉, 纠纷, 意见分歧是通过一个过程来处理的 学生公平待遇政策.
Employees of the University assisting students under the “学生公平待遇政策” are reminded of their obligation to file a Student Grievance Report with the Office of Student Development 和 to keep pending information about the grievance updated with the Office of Student Development throughout the process.
Any employee of the University of Mary who believes that he or she has been unjustly treated is encouraged to seek resolution of the issue through policies 和 procedures established by the University for that purpose. 请参阅以下关于人的尊严的大学政策纲要.
所有其他投诉, 纠纷, 意见分歧是通过一个过程来处理的 员工公平待遇政策.
Employees always have recourse to the Department of Human Resources for assistance with workplace issues:
大学道7500号 俾斯麦,ND 58504
作为一个基督徒, 天主教, 和本笃会团体, the University of Mary is wholly committed to upholding 和 defending the dignity of every human person as created in the image 和 likeness of God. Those who experience unfair treatment or unjust discrimination within the community of the University of Mary are especially worthy of the University’s care 和 concern.
面对种族歧视或种族理论和意识形态, the University of Mary consciously draws upon resources deeper 和 more enduring than contemporary identity politics. 对种族主义的考虑植根于植根于大学使命的基本信念:
- 所有按照上帝的形象创造的人都有平等的尊严;
- the universal brotherhood/sisterhood of the human 比赛; 和
- 基督救赎所有的人.
的 天主教教理 解释一下:
的 equality of men rests essentially on their dignity as persons 和 the rights that flow from it: “Every form of social or cultural discrimination in fundamental personal rights on the grounds of sex, 比赛, color, 社会条件, 语言, 或者宗教必须被遏制和根除,因为它与上帝的设计不相容。” (1935年¶引用 快看,快看 29§2).
宗座正义与和平委员会,在 《MG冰球突破试玩》, further notes that “any theory or form whatsoever of racism 和 racial discrimination is morally unacceptable” (¶433). 我国的天主教主教们也指出,“种族主义不仅仅是众多罪恶中的一种, 它是分裂人类大家庭的根本罪恶。”(我们的兄弟姐妹们, ¶39).
此外, the University of Mary emb比赛s the 2018 pastoral letter of the United States Conference of 天主教 Bishops (USCCB) against racism: 敞开心扉:对爱的永恒呼唤. 事实上, 在起草本文件期间,大学一直与USCCB保持联系, 和 a member of the University’s Board of Trustees was involved with preparing 和 presenting the draft to the USCCB for its adoption 和 publication.
的 University of Mary’s position on racial discrimination is thus rooted in 和 based upon this broader teaching of the Christian, 天主教 community rather than any institutional statement or declaration that could be made about this critical issue, 包括对时事或社会动荡事件的孤立评论. 的 University’s institutional instinct 和 responsibility is to uphold this teaching in its integrity on our campuses 和 throughout our surrounding communities, 为关于人类平等和尊严的教育和对话提供有意义和有效的场所, 坚定而公正地处理大学社区中种族主义的具体事例.
为此目的,根据大学的政策和程序 歧视及骚扰政策, 学生公平待遇政策, 和 员工公平待遇政策 whereby those who believe they have experienced racial discrimination at the University of Mary may manifest concerns or submit a grievance.
MG冰球突破试玩还设有天主教社会教学常设工作组, 多样性, 和包容, 由大学校董会成员担任主席. 该工作队计划和协调教育方案, 进行和分析校园气候调查, 并赞助庆祝人类生命和尊严的活动. 可通过写信与工作组取得联系 diversity@sd-adf.com.
“在一个有序而富有成效的社区里, 每个人都是“人”,这是一条基本原则。 . . . 有权利和义务 . . . 自然的:从一个人的本性中直接而自发地流动的. 因此,这些权利是普遍的、不可侵犯的和不可剥夺的."
——教皇圣. 约翰二十三世,和平共处
的 unshakable dignity of every human person innately pours forth from the fundamental truth that all persons are made in the image 和 likeness of God. A 天主教 university has a particular responsibility to uphold the dignity of all those with disabilities, 他们常常因为残疾而被无形地排斥,感觉不那么有尊严. 模仿耶稣, 他把大部分的事奉奉献给了残疾人和穷人, 我们应该优先照顾社会上有特殊需要的人.
学生无障碍服务 ensures equal access for students with disabilities to fully participate in the University’s programs 和 services. 欲了解更多信息或寻求进一步帮助,请访问 我们的网页 或打电话 701-355-8264. 学生无障碍服务 is located within the Student Success Center on the lower level of Welder Library on the Main Campus.
的 University warmly welcomes applications for admission from qualified persons with disabilities in all of our academic programs. To apply or for further information related to the admission process please contact the University of Mary 入学s at 701-355-8210.
最后, the University provides equal 就业 opportunities to qualified persons with disabilities 和 strives to offer strong support 和 an atmosphere of acceptance 和 encouragement to employees who have documented special needs or accommodations. 有关更多信息,请参阅 员工手册 或与人力资源部联系 701-355-8245.
- 第九章不当行为报告表格(网上表格)
- 操守申诉委员会不当行为报告(网上表格)
- 操守申诉委员会失当行为报告(可列印pdf格式)
- 学生投诉表格 (在线表格,供员工协助学生使用,具体流程见 学生公平待遇政策)
- 学生运动员的担忧 (在线表格,查找 学生运动员关注事项提交表格)
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701-222-8370 or 866-341-7009
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Lumen Vitae大学中心低层
要了解更多信息,请访问 诊所的网页.
俾斯麦紧急 & 创伤中心
克里斯蒂·舍夫鲍尔,VPFA (主管人力资源的副总裁)
大学道7500号 俾斯麦,ND 58504